In regard to sluggish online gross sales, drooping page ranks, or dips in visitant activity, the feeling that myriads of site owners get is much like entering into troubled waters.
Usually, it is hard enough to navigate even past the standard amount of difficulties you may encounter when running an online campaign or website business.
Yet, when Internet waters get rough, focus begins to change in a very unique way. That is, without knowing the exact CAUSE of online gross sales or dealings discrepancy, the site owner often begins to guess about it.
Online solutions applied as a result of guessing are likely to fail because truth problem may be something that you often NEVER even imagine.
It helps in multiplication like these, to ask SMART questions. For example, the number one question now coming to SEO and online merchandising consultants, in one way or another, takes the following form:
"How do I find keywords?"
If this issue was simple, then its answers would also be extremely straightforward. However, there is a much BETTER question to ask.
With a smarter approach in mind, you can clarify the above question in the following way:
"How do you find keywords that you actually WANT to promote?"
In other words, even a standard Google keyword deviser tool phrase analysis inquiry will produce for you about 600 keywords. Yet, each of these phrases has varied degrees of:
- Actual RELEVANCE to your particular skill set, unique product, or online services offer;
- Direct COMPETITION, on with "search engine optimized" competitors;
- Visitor INTEREST or levels of readership.
The fact is that you can neither CREATE nor INVENT keywords, and the BEST ones are 99.99% occupied by previous or long-standing web authority sites.
What is the solution to this problem? Two new occurrences are now in place, which SHOULD give you STRONG clues about keyword selection.
First, Google's recent establishment of the "Hummingbird" algorithmic rule speaks toward the demotion of keyword value. Rather, it focuses upon giving readers pages with better content from the most directly related sources.
Secondly, the Google administration much more powerfully recruits HUMAN editors to read the actual content of each page before it can reach the top-level search engine results roster.
This gives the adage that "content is king" even more monumental meaning. Put simply, keywords now FOLLOW content, rather than leading the march.
Thus, the most SOLID answer is to spend your time in the RESEARCH process, especially determination authoritative facts that support the reasons why your online offer deserves merit.
Even for new visitants to read further into the gist of your online product or service, it will not be keyword dressing that wins their intellectual favor. Rather, it is likely to be the sincerity, enlightenment, and new cognition twist that you present.
Search engines, as well, now work in a much similar way. Consider, for instance, one of the top online factual sources, On this site, even the content descriptions of historical achievers must contain documented citations, endorsements, and references before they get promulgated for worldwide reading.
The best sites in the world now desire plus "demand" QUALITATIVE facts. Basically anyone can stick a keyword into an clause or advertisement, simply because that phrase is a popular one.
However, ensuant content can easily miss the mark, both for readers and search engines alike, because superior WRITING nearly automatically contains the best MATCH of keyword meaning and aim for the searcher.