MDT Sampling - Pipe-conveyed (TLC) MDT Sampling In Gas Wells

This clause assumes you are acquainted with with open-hole (wireline) logging and the Schlumberger Modular Dynamic Tester (MDT) tool.

How do you plan a mega-combo MDT sample job in a gas well? First and foremost, we need to clearly understand our requirements as the stakeholder.

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Typical questions we would ask are:

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1. How many sample points are planned?
2. How many samples will be taken per point, i.e. how many bottles or sample chambers?
3. Are the samples for PVT and/or H2S analysis?
4. Would SPMCs and/or MPSRs be required?
5. Are there any water samples required (in Wells with a water leg below the hydrocarbon)?
6. Is Wellsite transfer and analysis required?

Most sample are now done exploitation low-shock sample method but its worth asking. These questions will help determine the MDT facultys which will be run in the well.

The deciding process regarding when to take a sample should also be clearly defined. The decision is commonly taken by the company representative in consultation with the service company expert/reservoir engineer.

The MDT tool-string consists of several different facultys, each designed for specific purposes. Each faculty added to the toolstring should be elite to meet the objective of obtaining PVT quality samples. Modules for analyzing the quality of gas are the CGA (Condensate-Gas Analyzer) and the LFA (Live Fluid Analyzer). Also for pumping out the gas from the formation, the MRPO (MDT Reservoir Pump-out) is required. Other facultys required as standard for operational the MDT tool will be mere by the service company. SPMCs (Single Phase Multi-sample Chamber) and MPSRS (Multi-Phase Sample Receiver) are sample bottles (250cc and 450cc respectively) typically accustomed take PVT quality gas samples. Where Wellsite analysis and transfers (SPMC) are required the service company inevitably to be educated so that the necessary equipment is mobilized to the Wellsite.

Pipe-conveyed MDT sample jobs can go on for more than 2 days therefore personnel from the service companies need to be prepared for 24 hour coverage.

Additional considerations not cloaked in this clause admit specifying equipment for tight reservoirs. This covers the type of probe to be used and even exploitation dual-packers. This is a summary of preparation for a pipe-conveyed MDT sample operation, more information should be obtained from in-house experts like the operations petrophysicist, from the service company or from consultants (wireline witnesses).

MDT Sampling - Pipe-conveyed (TLC) MDT Sampling In Gas Wells
MDT Sampling - Pipe-conveyed (TLC) MDT Sampling In Gas Wells

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