Wait Marketing: Communicate At The Right Moment At The Right Place


- Advertising is welcome.

  Ahrefs Unlinked Mentions

Advertising is bothering consumers ... except when they are waiting. A swiss survey confirms that traditional advertising, high-priced and saturated, is rejected by consumers. TV ads bother 3 consumers out of 4. Mailings and Internet ads bother more than half of the consumers, same for the radio, even if radio broadcasts 2 to 7 multiplication more ads than television for example. Ads in magazines and at the cinema bother 1 consumer out of 4 only, and ads in newspaper and outdoor, which doesn't interrupt your activities, 1 consumer out of 5. Whereas advertising patc consumers are waiting, like e.g. in post offices, is very welcomed by 9 consumers out of 10. In this context advertising is considered as an entertainment.

- For a greater impact

Studies publicized by independent advertising organisations, in Europe and in the US, confirm that consumers are at to the worst degree 2 multiplication more receptive patc they are waiting. This is coupled to the fact that advertising is in this particular context welcome. A TV ad, e.g., will be memorised by 17% of the consumers if they watch it on their TV screen at home. The same ad will be remembered by 27% of consumers if they see it patc they are in the doctor's waiting room.

- For major budget nest egg

The major benefit of wait marketing is that by targeting consumers at the right place and at the right moment, companies can easily increase the impact of their content, patc dramatically cutting their cost per contact and, as a consequence, their budget.

Wait marketing can maximize communication budget efficiency by turning consumers' 'waiting time' into the perfect communication chance for brands.


- Making the most of advertising, promotion and direct marketing

Wait marketing campaigns can happen at Points of Sales besides as at Places of Life. Wherever a consumer is waiting: in shops, in dealings jams or patc downloading a file on the Internet.
Wait marketing makes the most of advertising, point of sale promotion and direct marketing best practices, in order to enable every company to implement effective and efficient ad campaigns.

- A win-win approach

Wait marketing is beneficial for both consumers and companies, start-ups besides as international groups.

Small companies and start-up executives, who dedicate their communication budget to gross revenue promotion or direct marketing, can implement low-priced advertising solutions. Advertisers, in large companies and agencies, on a regular basis investment in traditional media, are interested in this innovative and effective mode of communication.

As the activity of 'waiting' is universal, companies and agencies from the US, Japan, Africa and Europe can make substantial nest egg by using this consumer-friendly advertising approach into winnerful and low-priced campaigns, in order to acquire new customers and to establish customer's loyalty.


- 6Ms of wait marketing

Companies and marketing agencies can easily design and implement a winnerful wait marketing campaign with the 6Ms method, which enriches Kotler's 5Ms (Mission-Means-Message- Media-Measurement) with the missing M, the right Moment:

1. Mission: what is the objective of the campaign?

2. Means: what is the size of the budget?

3. Message: which content is modified to the targeted consumers?

4. Moment: which is the perfect moment to communicate with the targeted consumers when and where are they waiting?

5. Media: which is the most effective media available patc they are waiting?

6. Measurement: what is the ROI of the campaign?

6Ms of wait marketing helps companies design a custom-built campaign with a clear objective, a well-defined target and an appropriate content, delivered at the right place and at the right moment.

- Key factors of winner

In two years, TomTom has become the leader of GPS navigation in Europe, with 60% market share, and is already #2 in the US. Alexander Ribbink, Chief Operations Officer of TomTom, and brand direction guru reveals the key factors of winner of wait marketing campaigns through the example of the launch of the GPS Navigation device TomTom GO :

1. Mission: launch the new TomTom GO portable GPS navigation device

2. Means: budget was important but modified to the launch of a product.

3. Message: as the product benefits are obvious, the content is easy to remember.

4. Moment: when drivers are waiting patc filling-in their car in gasolene stations.

5. Media: content was displayed on fillboards. Other media where also used at the same time to increase brand awareness «Multimedia communication is the key factor of winner for reaching all the consumers», highlights Alexander Ribbink.

6. Measurement: the ROI was high because as the penetration of GPS Navigation was low (at the moment of the launch) but the need for navigation is quite universal all the consumers were possibly in the target.

TomTom's campaign in gasolene station is the perfect wait marketing example: consumers are tired the target (they are drivers) and they are receptive to the ad (they are waiting patc filling up their car with fuel).


- Defining the communication hypothesis scheme

The following 4 questions need to be answered by companies and agencies before starting a campaign:

Question 1: Extensive or intensive?

The objective of an extensive campaign is to reach as many consumers as possible. An intensive campaign's aim is more to be memorized by consumers, thanks to repetition.

Question 2: Continuous or one-shot?

A campaign can be permanent to encourage re-purchase or one-shot to support a promotion or a seasonal product.
In the case of consumer goods, advertising will be continuous.

Question 3: Multimedia or monomedia?

A campaign can be multimedia in order to reach all the targets or focused on a single media if the target is a niche (for specialized products for example).

Question 4: Launch or reinforcement?

Is the objective to make consumers aware of a new product or to prompt them of the existence of a product?

Wait marketing by communication at the right moment at the right place increases consumers committal to memory so that companies can just center on the number of consumers being reached.

- A media modified to the context

The 3 main criteria to be taken into account when selecting a media are:

1. Congruence

The congruity between the media and the content: advertising for Heineken on a bar table is the perfect example of the highest match between media (bar table) and content (beer!)

2. Affinity

A good affinity between brand and consumer will strengthen the integration of the content

3. Context

The context in which consumers are at the moment of the communication is key: being in a good mood or patc waiting have discovered very positive on advertising effectiveness

Jaguar recently gave a perfect example of an modified ad campaign , where the congruity between the media and the content, can dramatically improve the impact of the communication. Thanks to an in-depth philosophical doctrine analysis of the luxury car category that was conducted, Euro RSCG New York detected that all players were using the same codes and conventions. "When you are such a small player, outlay way less money than the competitors, a necessary - but not enough - condition to winner is to be discovery and dare disrupting the category's conventions" says Francois Grouiller, the US Strategic Planner on the business. "And to connect to the high-end target, we required to be extremely aspirational and re-create desire for the brand" adds Andrew Benett, Chief Strategy Officer of the New York agency. With that in mind, Fuel projected to Jaguar a new and innovative positioning: "New Fashioned Luxury". The idea for Jaguar is not to communicate as an automotive company any thirster but as a modern, exciting luxury brand.


- Communications: Cost or Investment?

The effectiveness of a campaign can be measured in terms of impact on brand awareness and on gross revenue. But due to a lack of modified measure tools, companies often consider communication hypothesis as a cost centre. Some tools enable companies to measure the impact of their communication scheme for all communication channels so optimize their budget allocation. Communications can then be considered as a real investment.

- Return on Advertising

In the same way than companies mesure their return on equity, they can measure their return on advertising. The Market ContactAuditTM method, for example, projected by Marketing & Communications Integration and already adopted by many top agencies like Mediaedge:cia, TBWA or Starcom MediaVest Group, considers that each contact has a marginal contribution, that may be positive or negative, on the overall consumer experience with the brand. Companies can compare the ROI of their communication campaigns with a cross-channel tool, embracement media, promotion, direct marketing and PR activities and optimize their contacts portfolio in 2 easy steps:

Step 1: Ranking

Consists in higher-ranking the opportunities of contact contingent on their contribution to the overall consumer brand experience

Step 2: Focusing

The Method invites to improve the contacts portfolio vis-a-vis competitors' ones and by focusing on the most effective contacts

That's exactly what Procter & Gamble did in Europe for one of its beauty and care product by analyzing its communication hypothesis investments, comparison them to competitors'ones and as a result focusing the communication budget on the most effective channel: advertising in doctor's waiting rooms.

Source: DERVAL Diana, Wait Marketing:Communicate at the Right Moment at the Right Place, DervalResearch, Amsterdam, 2007. Book available on Amazon.com and Chapter 5 unhampered charge on the official wait marketing website http://www.wait-marketing.com

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Wait Marketing: Communicate At The Right Moment At The Right Place
Wait Marketing: Communicate At The Right Moment At The Right Place

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