Fairness Cream Claims: A Hit Or A Miss?

Thanks to the Indian society's fetish with fair skin - India is considered the biggest market for fairness solutions. From known actors to national level players, just about everybody seems to be endorsing fairness products. Our high list of endorsements has led companies to come out with fairness creams for both men and women.

India now has a million dollar fairness industry. However, how well these fairness creams deliver and their impact on the Indian society is yet to be understood in-depth.

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Several international beauty companies have their own range of fairness creams and lotions that claim to deliver a beautiful, glowing fair skin in just a matter of weeks. The principal that works behind these foreign skin care products is the melanin production and its control.

Our complexion is definite by the structure and amount of melanin in our skin. The more the melanin production, the darker the complexion and contrariwise for the fair skin. As per the dermatologists worldwide, achieving fairness through these superficial creams is possible only up to 20% but not beyond that.

These fairness creams help block the harmful sunrays to penetrate into the skin, prevents secernment of melanin, reduces tan and thus makes skin look fairer.

While not all fairness creams power prove their mettle, some premium brands deliver what their claim through their foreign face treatments. Skin care companies such as Olay and Loreal are often rated at the top for their fairness creams, lotions and serums. Years of research and scientific find has undergone their products so comes a revolutionary product such as Olay's natural white healthy fairness cream and Loreal's White Perfect range of creams. These creams have often been advisable for achieving that flawless fair look, which has been the desire for many men and women.

Loreal has also come out with 20+, 30+ and 40+ anti-imperfections lightening cream. The brand believes that it is about not only fair skin, but also a beautiful flawless skin without any blemishes and imperfections, which makes up a fair skin. The cream removes the stress and pollution signs from the jr. skin that is in their 20s. With their 30+ lightening cream, the brand concentrates on fine lines that start to appear on with losing fairness. The 40+ cream focuses on reduction wrinkles and delivery back the young glow that the skin loses at this stage.

While Indian consumer's affair with fair skin stiff a debate since ages, these creams reinforce the need to have a flawless, blemish free smooth skin rather than just fair skin marred with imperfections. These brands are sure as shot revolutionising the way we have been look fairness creams since decades.

Fairness Cream Claims: A Hit Or A Miss?
Fairness Cream Claims: A Hit Or A Miss?

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