Google Panda Update And Its Implications In SEO Marketing

To better understand how Google Panda update affected and still affects a plurality of websites, it is a good idea to start with the reason for which Google launched this algorithmic program update, and who was it targeted to. On short words, the Panda update (foremost named FARMER update) was supposed to diminish the rank of low-quality websites, and give the chance of websites with dense quality content to grow higher in SERP (Search Engine Result Pages).

A inferiority website is considered by Google as being short of content or over-optimized. One of the main problems that webmasters had to face regarding this update is the lack of before-information. Otherwise being said, Google rarely announces any changes that it's going to do on the search algorithmic program, so SEO marketers and webmasters will have no time to react and change their techniques accordingly. However, Matt Cutts, a top package package engineer and Google, gave a couple of tips about the updates that were about to follow: Panda and Penguin updates.

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The Panda update was foremost called Farmer Update because the main target of it were the content farm websites, which were simply gathering user-submitted content allowing backlinks the user's website. Most of the content was thin, meaning low on quality, providing few or no information to the reader. Panda update also targeted thin content websites like blogs, which had low-informative content displayed. An important interest know about Panda is that it is a site-wide penalty; this means that if the Google Bot considers one or two pages from a website as being low-quality, the whole site will suffer a loss in SERP.


Which websites were placed in advantage by the update? Even though Panda update was supposed to be a leveling update, websites with high-quality deep analysis content have the chance to grow in search engine results. This is other step from Google towards making the quality over-balance the amount of the content. However, it happened that soon after the first release of the update, many sites suffered from scrappers. Scrappers are the websites that copy original content from other sources, and acquiring on top of the results instead of the original websites were the content was first posted. However, Google resolved a large part of this problem in the next Panda algorithmic program updates.

If you have a inferiority website, then you know you have big chances of acquiring hit by the Panda Update, or you power have already been hit. The main interest learn about this update is that content must be the king, and quality is priced higher than the quality. Regain the SERP strength of your website by publication highly-informative content and avoid over-optimization in the to the worst degree cost.

Google Panda Update And Its Implications In SEO Marketing
Google Panda Update And Its Implications In SEO Marketing

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